Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I have been wanting to start this blog for months but in this adventure in motherhood and farm living the blog starting has been waaaayyyy at the bottom of the priority list....but at this point, I figure its now or never! I would like to recap on the last 10 months that we have been living this country bumpkin life. It has not been the easiest of lifestyles living in a house thats over 100 yrs old...with a funky water system, spiders and pests, and A LOT of wood chopping and hauling over the winter months, and the many other obstacles that come along. It has however, made me a stronger woman (a Pioneer as mama pam calls me) and it has grown my faith and yes i have learned to be content in all circumstances:) ok the contentment part takes time sometimes....but it is a growing process...and I am so blessed!